Book Reviews — 15 February 2011
Teaching Children to Count Their Blessings – Free Book

Good Morning,

Isn’t life grand when you awaken and begin to focus on all you are grateful for? Yes… it is.
The Law of Attraction states that it is not only thoughts but EMOTIONS which change the frequency of your vibrations… And like attracts like.

When you are grateful, your vibration is the same as love… and it attracts MORE into your life to be grateful for….

I am so grateful for all of my friends, clients and fellow travelers – that I have decided to offer you all a FREE GIFT which is a wonderful lesson for moms and dads, as well as for the children.

Please right click here to collect your 37 page book…. if you right click, choose SAVE AS option to download your FREE book. Enjoy!

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Kytka Hilmar-Jezek

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