Archive for 'Tag Archives: 'Gratitude''

Teaching Children to Count Their Blessings – Free Book

Teaching Children to Count Their Blessings – Free Book

Good Morning, Isn’t life grand when you awaken and begin to focus on all you are grateful for? Yes… it is. The Law of Attraction states that it is not only thoughts but EMOTIONS which change [...]

Being Grateful for Everything to Attract More Blessings into Your Life

Being Grateful for Everything to Attract More Blessings into Your Life

I have noticed that the Universe loves gratitude. The more grateful you are, the more goodies you get. When I say “goodies,” I don’t mean only material things. I mean all the people, places, and experiences [...]

You Are Welcome – Notes on Inspiration

You Are Welcome – Notes on Inspiration

You wrote: “Thank you for this message. There was information in it that I wasn’t even aware that I was looking for.” You are welcome. I have been placing the new site together and was just [...]

Zynnia Jezek Shares Gratitude

Zynnia Jezek Shares Gratitude

Consciously utilizing The Power Of Gratitude is an extremely important aspect of attracting to yourself the Abundance and Happiness that you desire and deserve in your life. First, let’s explore how sincere gratefulness works from a [...]

Simple Activity Idea to Show Gratitude and Giving with Your Children

Simple Activity Idea to Show Gratitude and Giving with Your Children

The more often you focus his mind on things to be grateful for in his life, the more grateful and happy he will be. Rather than thinking grumpily about what he hasn’t got, or what nasty [...]