Make Believe — 03 June 2002
How Important Is Make Believe?

How important is make believe and do you ever get visited by “fairies”?
Ask Kytka Archives: June 3, 2002

I’m going to pass along this question to my good friend Diane at Rosenberry Books…


“Believing is important. You don’t have to believe in Fairies.
But when you believe – whatever you believe in – you help that be true.”

So says our Fairy friend Appletta, who through
Rosenberry books, etc., writes story-letters to children.

There is a common understanding that believing is important. But what about make-believe?


Make-believe is commonly belittled: “Oh, that’s only make-believe.”

What is the difference between belief and make-believe?


What if we think of make-believe as “opening the door
to creative belief.” In a state of ‘creative
belief’ we may not KNOW if something is ‘true’, but we
open ourselves to acting as if it is true. In that
open, creative state, who knows. . . .

Opening the door. Opening our minds and hearts and
spirits. What could be more important?

Make-believe can also be viewed as an exercise. We
exercise our awareness. We exercise our creativity.
We stretch our capacity for being vital and alive.
Parents, who actively seek to create a safe environment
for make-believe, help to alleviate the effects of
growing up in an information-oriented and fast paced world.

In make-believe we become receptive, connected,
flexible and open. We can reach beyond expectations. .

Make-believe is important!

by Diane Katz
Copyright © 2002
Rosenberry Books, Personalized Letters etc.
Please remember to tell them Kytka from Waldorf Homeschoolers sent you, it assists us in building community!

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