Make Believe — 04 June 2002
The Fairies at Kytka’s House

Here is my review of The Letters from Appletta,…

Well! Imagine our surprise when we received such fancy letters on colorful paper so soft to the touch, and so obviously made with great care!

We’ve come to believe that Fairyland has been so busy making paper so Appletta can write all of her letters – and the young Fairies all want to learn the craft of writing letters now too! My son, Zachary, read the letters himself a few times and remarked, “Appletta writes a lot like I do! I write like a Fairy artist!”

Our life has always been alive with Fairy folk. fairyworldsWe invite them to our life by creating special little areas – in the pots of our houseplants, the corners of shelves, etc. . . . We occasionally check to see if they have come to take the surprise, or if they have moved into the little homes we’ve made. We are often happy to see a bit of Fairy dust left behind and perhaps a little gift. The Fairies seem to be interested in what happens with our feelings – when we are sick or sad. They do nice things for us . . . in the morning, things are organized and put away, special “lost” or misplaced favorite toys or books re-appear …nice things!

In the past we have received Fairy notes, just a few words in tiny little scrolls tucked here and there. But now to get such a full letter from Appletta . . . very exciting!

Appletta’s letters have appeared under the covers of the bed. The children were excited . . .this was a new experience altogether. The children were excited and I found myself anxiously awaiting what would be written next! I think I enjoy the story letters as much as my wee ones!

Now go out and contact Appletta and whisper to her to send some fairy fun and magic to your house!

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Kytka Hilmar-Jezek

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