Raw, Vegan & Vegetarian — 05 May 2009
Raw Food Guru David Wolfe Speaks Out – Video

Many of my friends know that my children and I were completely into Raw/Living foods for several years. I even made a video entitled “Raising Kids Raw” which I will be releasing on DVD soon. My biggest inspiration into raw foods was David Wolfe, and here is a high energy, informative and inspirational video I wanted to share with you….

David Wolfe is a best selling author, and a world famous expert on the importance of quality food and nutrition. Maybe you’ve seen things on the Internet or TV about his world famous bionic burger video? It’s a real eye-opener. I really admire David, and truly feel he is brilliant.

You’ll see what I mean when you watch the video.

David is one of the most passionate and committed people you’ll ever meet. You see, David approaches the topic of food and nutritionas an essential ingredient to EVERYTHING else in your life. It just makes sense to fuel your machine with the highest quality fuel, for maximum performance, right?

He explains it all beautifully in this video…

It’s kind of funny when you think about it but having a WOLFE at your door could be the best thing that ever happened to you AND your health.

Please do yourself a favor and WATCH this video!

If you have even the tiniest thought that your life would be so much better in so many ways, if you just took better care of yourself–you really owe it to yourself to meet David right now…

More than food for thought, this is food for your SOUL!

To your continued growth and journey!

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Kytka Hilmar-Jezek

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