Archive for 'Waldorf Education'

Norse Myths for Grade Four

Norse Myths for Grade Four

Creative ideas from parents: Create a poster of the gods. Watercolor a huge Yggdrasil tree and then I drew and scanned in a male figure and female figure on the computer to print out many copies [...]

First Grade Readiness

First Grade Readiness

Ask Kytka Archives:  May 20, 1999 Q.  How do I know my child is ready for first grade? A.  For those of you who may have children from 5 on upwards who believe that “My child [...]

A Day In A Waldorf Kindergarten

A Day In A Waldorf Kindergarten

I teach on a biodynamic farm at The Little Turnip Farm School. Today, as in most days, my day starts with the children outside for an hour. First we go and get firewood from the wood-shed. [...]

The Religion In Waldorf Schools

The Religion In Waldorf Schools

Ask Kytka Archives:  November 2005 Waldorf schools seek to cultivate positive human values of compassion, reverence for life, respect, cooperation, love of nature, interest in the world, and social conscience, as well as to develop cognitive, [...]

Meditations On Teaching

Meditations On Teaching

Ask Kytka Archives: How do I prepare myself for teaching? May 16, 2001 Rudolf Steiner was very specific in teachers going into a class prepared spiritually. The following quotes are from the book Balance in Teaching [...]