Ask Us

We have answers!

Kytka has been answering questions since she can remember… Why? Because she too wants to know! You may call her an information junkie. She’s one of those people who can’t sleep until she finds out the facts and gets to the the source. She doesn’t claim to know everything – in fact she’ll be the first one to tell you that she’s still a student of life and that she doesn’t claim to know anything, but she does know how to research, where to get answers and often maintains contact the people who DO know! Additionally, she has applied all she has learned to her own life and has “walked the talk” for over 20 years, so she shares many of her personal experiences and insights.

Do YOU have a question for Kytka?
Send it in, and we’ll do our best to answer.

You will see that many of your questions appear as posts within the site and are often listed with “Ask Kytka Archives” as a part of the header.

And for those of you asking about the old artwork from the original site – I used much of it in this video combined with inspirational quotes…

My gift to you!